Austin Portrait Photography Pricing is a package portrait price, and what the total cost would depend on the type of package you choose. We have many available and we are always having sales on select packages. We have many different types of portrait packages available for purchase. Some of the packages available are Kids Portraits, Senior Portraits, Maternity Portraits, and Newborn Portraits. Please check out the products available here on this page and let us know if you have any other questions.
Our portrait pricing varies also depending on if you choose to shoot in the studio or on location and if we have special holiday packages we usually run that are themed and limited time and number available. Please see Book Photographer page to check availability and pricing package details.
We have a few different options for photography packages. Some of those include maternity portrait package, newborn portrait package, senior portrait package, and kids portrait packages. Below is a list of the portrait packages if you click on them you will get the information on each.
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In Austin, I shoot both studio and on-location packages. I run different package deals depending on which holiday is coming up. Pricing usually ranges anywhere from 100 dollars to 500 dollars on average. Some packages can get more expensive, but usually, this is if you include more than 3 hours of shooting time or more photos. All your photos are delivered to you digitally and will be delivered usually 1-3 days after the shoot. You can add on extra retouching if you want me to get rid of wrinkles, make you skinnier or really anything you would like to change, that’s added as hourly at 85/hr. Normally I can do 4-5 images per hour, but this depends on how extensive the retouching is.
Looking for an exact price? Give me a call or fill out the form and I can give you the exact price if you are looking for a custom package, add more time, check availability or just want to see which package would fit you best.
Have other questions for me?
Call: (512) 354-7668
Or fill out this form: